Andrew Conroy: Contact Centre Manager at Johnnie Johnson Housing Trust
“Technology provides flexibility, choice and is a great way to support not replace direct care and can be a gradual and safe way to introduce the idea of care services to possibly resistant customers.”
Dr. Richard Wong: Consultant Geriatrician, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
‘Anything that can be done to lessen the burden and requirements on individuals to have to interact in a formal sense with the technology and the less intrusive on their everyday life this is, the more likely there will be a positive and cooperative relationship between technology and care’
Jim Gray: Digital Health Entrepreneur, Consultant Surgeon & Clinical Director of Orthopaedic Surgery
“We are generally desperate to move medically fit patients out of hospital”
Rachael Grimaldi: Co-Founder and CEO CardMedic®, NHS Clinical Entrepreneur, and an anaesthetist.
“The role of technology is fundamental to the success of treating patients in any healthcare setting in the NHS whether it’s from structuring their notes, arranging investigations, monitoring remotely or undertaking life-saving procedures”
Brian Roberts: Head of the TRE Service for England & Programme Head at NHS Digital
“I'd say adoption only really happens when the tech is distinctly the answer to a business/service problem in H&C... instead of starting with the tech then looking for the problem.”
Daniel Hallen: Head of Digital Technology & Digital Urgent & Emergency Care for NHS England & Improvement North West
“If there is one hurdle to overcome in digital transformation; it is the desire to “boil the ocean”. Sometimes the task can be so immense, driven by the interconnected world we live in, with so many competing priorities that it’s a question of what is achievable in what order.”