Read about Howz in new article in Which?

Read how to get started with smart home products and the best ones to buy, plus advice from Which? Trusted Traders who install these products for a living

Read full article here

Later life and assisted living

“Smart home products can prove more useful as you reach later life. for example, with voice control or a smartphone app you can turn on the lights from your bed without having to move around in the dark and risk falling.

Smart home products can also help people monitor older relatives and work as a Telecare system. Smart home services such as Howz home care kit include a system of smart plugs and sensors connected up to a smart hub and smartphone app that allows you to monitor what they’re doing. It gives you real-time updates, such as when they got out of bed in the morning, when they last boiled the kettle and opened the front door. you can also use it alongside Telehealth and telemedicine health monitoring systems.”


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